Monteurwohnung Peine 2
Friedhofsweg, 31228 Peine
Unfortunately no pictures available for this accommodation.
Preis VB nach Anzahl der Personen und Aufenthaltsdauer
Amenities and services
- Bedding
- Internet
- Private Parking
- Kitchen
- Shower/Bathtub
- Deposit
- Television
More features
- Towels
- Phone
- Garden
- Balcony/Terrace
- Down Payment Requested
- Number Of Rooms
- Microwave
- Oven
- Coffee Machine
- Stove
- Dishes
- Water Boiler
- Toaster
- Fridge
- Own Key
- Tax deductible statement
- Own Toilet
Non-seasonal periods
Base rate | surcharge for additonal guest | Discounts | ||||
2. Guest | 3. Guest | 4. Guest | 5+. Guest | Valid for booking periods from | ||
123.53 EUR/night | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | EUR/night | 4 nights |
123.53 EUR/night | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | EUR/night | 6 nights |
123.53 EUR/night | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | EUR/night | 30 nights |
Sights and transport nearby
Preis nach Vereinbarung
Abhängig von Personenzahl und Aufenthaltsdauer