Accommodation is not available – Alternatives in Matzenbach

This accommodation cannot be booked currently. Please have a look at the following alternative accommodations. We put them together according to your initial request.
from €24.00per night Wohnwagen Matzenbach, Germany
from €18.00per night Old Castel Neunkirchen, Germany


Glanstr, 66909 Matzenbach

Unfortunately no pictures available for this accommodation.


Hallo!! da ich selbst schon öfters auf Notunterkünfte zurückgegriffen habe biete ich hier einen Sofaplatz für eine Nacht an. Bei Interesse einfach mal melden

Amenities and services

  • Private Parking
  • Smoking Permitted

More features



Non-seasonal periods
Base rate
23.53 EUR/night

Sights and transport nearby

Zum Bahnhof ca. 1km

Awarded by
As seen on
Callcenter: +49 30 58849560