Accommodation is not available – Alternatives in Bonn
This accommodation cannot be booked currently. Please have a look at the following alternative accommodations. We put them together according to your initial request.comfy &bcosy
langwartweg, bonn
Unfortunately no pictures available for this accommodation.
single Couch-Bed for 1 person in the living room.
Nobody will have to sleep with other unknown persons.
We are two students.
I have a couch that can be transformed into a bed.
I have a small dog.
blankets and other bed-stuff is available
wireless internet shower/bathtub, washing machine, dryer, possibility to use kitchen, breakfast inclusive
Amenities and services
- Bedding
- Internet
- Late Arrival Possible
More features
- Towels
- Breakfast
- Balcony/Terrace
- Own Key
Bookable as needed
- Washing Machine pro nutzung
Non-seasonal periods
Base rate |
23.53 EUR/night |
Sights and transport nearby
neben UNO, POST TOWER , Deutschewelle