Apartments Jezera
Donji put 29 Jezera, 22243 Murter
Basic characteristics
Accomodation is near the sea: Yes
Enviroment near the object: Normal
Private entrance: Yes
from town center: 400 m (cca)
To the beach: 50 m (cca)
Shade: Yes
Houseowner on site: Yes
Sun shelter: Yes
Informations about accomm. object
Floor: 1. floor
Sanitary: N. of bathrooms: 1,
N. of toilets: 1
Owner speak: english, german, italian
Information about bedrooms
Bedroom: 1
Size: 12 m2 (cca)
Main beds: 2
Bedroom: 2
Size: 11 m2 (cca)
Main beds: 2
Living room
Size: 12 m2 (cca)
Additionaly beds: 1
Amenities and services
- Bedding
- Public Parking
- Kitchen
- Shower/Bathtub
- Television
- Smoking Permitted
- Pets Welcome