Table Mountain High Rustic-Chic Apartment

Keerom Street, 8001 Cape Town


Unfortunately we have no description for this accommodation.


August 2024
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September 2024
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Non-seasonal periods
Base rate surcharge for additonal guest Discounts
2. GuestValid for booking periods from
65.88 EUR/night 0.00  EUR/night 1 night
58.82 EUR/night 0.00  EUR/night 30 nights

Sights and transport nearby

This 'Lock-up & Go' is beautifully and uniquely furnished and includes a secure parking bay.
It is situated in the heart of Cape Town and near EVERYTHING your heart desires - restaurants, beaches, pubs, sightseeing tours, public transport and sooo much more ... you'll be coming back for more. :)

Further accommodations in Cape Town

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Callcenter: +49 30 58849560